10 Signs You Have A Thyroid Problem And 10 Solutions For It

An estimated count of 25 million Americas have problems on their thyroid, yet unfortunately, half of these figures have no idea that they have this health issue. Having an under-active thyroid, medically known as hypothyroidism, is the reason for 90 percent of all discrepancies on thyroid.

Located at the center of the neck, this butterfly-shaped gland is considered the most responsible gland in a person’s metabolism process. Your body’s over-all system depends on how your thyroid is, along on how it functions. Bottom line is if your thyroid is not in good shape and does not function well, so are you.



According to Lorna Vanderhaeghe, just like other malfunctions, an under-active thyroid can be manifested in various body issues that you have. Based on Lorna Vanderhaeghe reviews, here are the signs if a person has hypothyroidism:

  1. Exhaustion even after having 8 to 10 hours of sleep at night, or the need to take a daily nap.
  2. Difficulty to lose weight.
  3. Experiencing hardly manageable moods like anxiety and depression.
  4. Imbalances on hormones like experiencing PMS, irregular schedule of monthly periods, sterility and poor drive in bed.
  5. Body pains like in muscles and joints, having carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis.

6.Hands and feet that are always cold no matter the weather conditions and a body temperature below 98.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

  1. Parched skin, fragile nails and too much loss of hair.
  2. Difficulty in bowel management.
  3. Mind-related concerns issues like the inability to remember well and to focus, and brain fog.
  4. Swelling neck and having a wheezing or croaky voice.



The thyroid starts to function by producing hormones through the signal transmission between hypothalamus, pituitary gland and the thyroid glands. A hormone related to the hypothalamus, the thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) accelerates the synthesis and secretion of thyrotropin (TSH) from the pituitary.

The construction and release of T4 and T3 from the thyroid gland are intensified by the TSH. Once there are adequate amounts of T4 produced, it will be the one signaling TRH and TSH informing that the thyroid hormone is already enough and there is no need to produce more.

Majority of the hormones being produced by the thyroid gland is T4, a stationary form of the hormone, which comprises about 85 percent of it. A small amount of T4 is created after this inactive has been made. This small quantity is converted into T3, the now-dynamic thyroid hormone.

If you think that this is where the process ends, unfortunately, it’s not. The active thyroid hormone from that small amount from T4 will be also transformed into two, Free T3 (FT3) or Reverse T3 (RT3). From these two conversions, the Free T3 is more important because this is the only hormone that has the capacity to connect to a receptor, which makes your metabolism to perform its duty like stabilizing your temperature, keeping your body working perfectly and your hormones to do their jobs well. Meanwhile, despite of unknown tasks of the Reverse T3, it can be seen in people who are too much stressed and those who are poisoned from mercury.


The most common form of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It is an autoimmune disease wherein your body turns on itself and starts to become unaware that a certain organ is foreign, so it starts to attack that organ.


Based on Lorna Vanderhaeghe Canada, here are some of the factors why thyroid imbalance remains undiagnosed in the USA.

  1. Unfortunately, most of the doctors are only asking their patients in order to check the cause of their ailment. Because of this, many thyroid imbalances are not managed well since many of its symptoms are unclear.
  2. Despite most of the doctors are considering to screen one or two tests (TSH and T4) to detect problems, they are still not checking the thyroid antibodies.
  3. The normal laboratory reference and the patient’s temperature are only being used guide by the doctors, instead of also considering the symptoms and complaints.



According to THYROSMART, here are some of the ways to take care of your thyroid:

  1. Always take multivitamins with Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin D, and B vitamins.
  2. If you are diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, consume complete grain and avoid legume foods.
  3. Face the causes of your stress and take good also of your adrenal glands, because this and your thyroid are partners.
  4. Be sure to have 8 to 10 hours of sleep at night.
  5. If you have any amalgam fillings, consider a biological dentist safely eliminate it.
  6. Be careful in consuming fresh goitrogens. This is still questionable.
  7. Avoid fluoride, bromide, and chlorine in your meals and environment as well.
  8. Take care of your digestive system (gut) since a good digestive system is important to gain good health.
  9. Consider finding a practical medical professional and undergo thyroid-related laboratory test and is willing to look for the main cause of the thyroid imbalance.

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