Why Cognitive Aptitude is Such a Great Predictor of Job Performance

People who are considered successful in their careers possess several qualities that might be described as cognitive skills. Cognitive tests are typically used to assess skills in the domains of reasoning, problem solving, sensory perception, and memory.

While some cognitive abilities (e.g., IQ) have been traditionally regarded as only related to academic success and general ability, this view no longer seems appropriate. As a result, studies on educational and job performance have been increasingly focusing on the abilities of the working population.

Cognitive Tests – Great Job Predictors


Cognitive tests are a great predictor of job performance and offer a reliable and objective measure of cognitive ability. The cognitive test not only offers an idea of potential jobs for graduates, but also of the requirements for such jobs in different parts of the world.

Although some tests are common in many countries, other tests may differ in how they are administered, their abilities, and their utility in predicting job performance. In this article, we focus on a few reasons that show why cognitive assessment tests are a great predictor of job performance.

1. Test on Cognitive Skills

Source: peoplehum.com

Cognitive skills are the skills that are used for everyday life and that are employed during a specific task. Cognitive assessment tests often consist of tests in reasoning, problem solving, sensory perception, and memory. This may also include tests in processing speed, perception, and decision making.

Cognitive aptitude tests measure different components of cognitive abilities. As a result, the results of the test can be compared with the person’s performance and other cognitive ability tests. The idea is to predict job performance and the likely requirements for each job, depending on that individual’s performance.

2. Test the Individual’s Thinking Style

Cognitive assessments are mainly administered based on a person’s cognitive style. The cognitive styles are called in the words of psychologists “cognitive norms” or “core cognitions”. Cognitive tests can assess the performance of the people in different cognitive styles.

In order to obtain good results, the test must be administered in accordance to the norms that an individual has. The norms in question relate to his style of working, which includes information processing, the usage of tools, and the way of dealing with emotions.

3. Decision Making in the Different Cognitive Styles

Source: brainchecker.in

The ability to correctly predict job requirements has a lot to do with how well one performs in each of the cognitive abilities. By testing individuals in all of their cognitive abilities, decision making is seen as a function of cognitive ability.

Therefore, a cognitive skills test that can predict how individuals perform in different cognitive styles should also predict how they do in individual decision making tasks.

4. Predict Skill Needs for Different Careers

Decision making and the ability to predict the required skills for different careers is closely related to cognitive ability. Therefore, cognitive abilities provide great clues about career profiles.

For example, if a job requires the ability to interpret different kinds of written information, then a person with poor visual short-term memory may not be suitable for a job involving input/output activity. This also suggests the need for a cognitive assessment for such specific jobs.

5. Predict a Person’s Job Preferences

The ability to assess a person’s psychological traits – such as motivation, social orientation, and perception – are also included in the cognitive tests. These psychological traits are factors that influence a person’s preferences. A person’s personality is an important factor that should be taken into account when designing a job selection system.

A person’s psychological traits will also affect the kind of job he or she might like to pursue. This means that the results of a test can help a human resources (HR) team decide whether or not a person will be suitable for a particular job. Cognitive tests are very useful in this respect, as they can be used in conjunction with psychological assessments.

6. Improving Job Performance

The tests are usually administered to existing employees or potential new hires. After the tests, the results are used to improve the company’s processes and product offerings. This may result in better performance from employees, as well as increased efficiency for the company. Cognitive tests are great tools for companies to enhance productivity.

Some companies may require tests for employees who have managerial responsibilities. However, a general cognitive ability test can be a useful tool in identifying the job specifications of people in this group. Cognitive ability is considered as the fundamental factor that determines the job profile of each individual.

7. Managing Risks

Source: projectmanager.com

The tests can also be used to help the HR team predict the kind of job the person will be suitable for after his or her service at the company. The results of the cognitive abilities tests can be used to see if the person would be good at a certain type of job, and if the company should invest time and money to train him or her to perform the job correctly.

The tests can also be used to determine if a person would be a good fit for a particular job, and if they would be able to complete the tasks as required. If the person is cognitively impaired, the company may have to determine whether they should hire an assistant or look for another position.

8. Compensation

The tests can also be used to evaluate a person’s career. If a person has a specific job to fulfill, the cognitive abilities can help the company see if the person would be a good fit for the job. The tests can also be used to evaluate the job performance of the employees, and make sure they are fulfilling their responsibilities.

Cognitive abilities may be used to predict the performance of an employee in certain jobs. For example, a cognitive ability test can be used to measure how much a person is motivated and is self-motivated. This can help HR assess the performance of the employees, and match them with jobs that are more suitable for them.

Final Verdict

Source: khn.org

Cognitive assessment tests are a great predictor of job performance. Given the fact that cognitive abilities are a set of skills that are required for day-to-day living, and considering that many workers are now transitioning to the knowledge economy, they should be considered as a reliable indicator of future job success.

Hope you like this article, now you have more knowledge on cognitive assessment tests.