8 Cool Ideas for your 6 Monitor Setup 


We all want that awesome space whether we’re creating a den or a control centre for ourselves. In fact, great space isn’t just a ‘nice to have’. On the contrary, it’s a must because it has such an impact on our mental wellbeing. It’s worth bearing that in mind when you’re trying to build your amazing 6 monitor setup.

Cool 6 Monitor Setup Ideas


Naturally, everyone has a different concept of what is cool and amazing. It’s up to you to adjust your 6 monitor setup accordingly. You’ll also want to customize it according to what you’re using it for, whether this is working or gaming. Either way though, here are some cool ideas to get you started:

1- Backlighting

Lighting always makes such a difference to our moods and you can do some funky things with it. You can install an electric blue light under your desk, for example, to give you that impression of elevation. If you’re gaming, perhaps you want some great speakers around which you can set up those funky neon lights. This might work well for creating that dark, cosy gaming hideout or cinema den.

Furthermore, monitors often now also come with LED backlighting. This is either to help with easier reading or to create a more relaxing environment for the eyes. Some monitors incorporate this into their designs. However, you also have the option to include a lighting kit around your monitors. Of course, don’t forget your funky lighting in the rest of your room because normal lightbulbs will suddenly look so bland.


2- Surround sound style setup

If ‘cool’ means setting something up that looks like a control centre from a film then it’s all about layout. As suggested by tradingcomputers.com, you could have 2 widescreen monitors on top of each other in the centre of your 6 monitor setup, with 2 smaller screens on top of each other and either side. The effect will look like a curved screen which is pretty awesome, especially with the right desk, chair and lighting.

3- Cool stands

There exist many different stands for your primary monitor ranging from wood to plastic and metal. These now come in all shapes and sizes and even sometimes with little compartments for pens or sticky notepads. It’s not just about sliding your keyboard under your monitor anymore but also about tidying your other bits and bobs. Some even have cup holders for you because we all know how frustrating it is when you spill your coffee all over everything.

4- Funky cable management designs

Whatever effect you go for can be completely destroyed if your cables are all over the place. There are so many options for quick tidy solutions that include cable trays, clever brackets or wall and desk mounts. If you’re feeling up to it then you can also create your own if DIY that’s your thing.

What about special stands for your speakers, chargers and phones? Sometimes simple still works though. Cable clips and ties alongside cable holders can look pretty funky especially now that these come in many colours.


5- Mix it up with an adjustable desk

You might have heard of ergonomics and how much we tend to strain our necks and shoulders when working at a computer. Adjustable desks are now increasingly common and playing around with them and your 6 monitor setup could spark more ideas.

Why limit yourself to a 6 monitor setup that’s all in one place? You might want to stand up every now and then, depending on the time of day and how you use your different monitors. Suddenly your 6 monitor setup isn’t just about your desk. It’s actually all about how you use the whole room and space around you.

6- Enhance with speakers and atmospheric lighting

We’ve already mentioned lighting but speakers, in general, can give you a surround sound feeling. Of course, this might be more for gamers but what about when you want to watch films? You could turn your working space into an entertainment playroom with the flick of a few switches. Imagine the change in lights that you could coincide with some change in furniture that automatically glides in and out of its space. Suddenly you’re in a whole new world.


7- Mouse and Shortcuts

Using a mouse all day can be a strain on our wrists and shoulders. Having a good quality, Bluetooth mouse, with some anti-fatigue mats, almost goes without saying. However, don’t forget all your funky shortcuts or apps to help you be even more efficient and comfortable. DisplayFusion is one example but there are several out there now to support your 6 monitor setup.

8- L3P D3SK

Last but not least if you want to go all out although this is a bit of a ‘one of a kind’. If truth be told, this odd-sounding title refers to such a cool setup that looks like it belongs on a film set. Essentially, the computer insides were transported into a liquid-cooled desk so that you could see all the parts with all their translucent colours. It’s an interesting concept which aims to remove the need for the ‘box’ approach of a computer and incorporate it into a desk instead. Maybe it’s a little extreme but it just shows you what’s possible.

Parting Thoughts on your Cool 6 Monitor Setup

Interacting with a 6 monitor setup is all about the experience. Be as creative as you want and hopefully these ideas show you that you can do pretty much whatever comes to mind. Set up the right environment and you’ll create that perfect space to help you through your work or to win those games. So have fun!