Can you Wash your Face after HIFU?

Do you feel self-conscious about your skin’s increasing laxity? If so, we’d recommend HIFU for you.

Getting HIFU in Singapore would be your best bet if you’re pressed for time and you don’t like invasive skin surgery, as would be the case with surgical face lifting. Depending on your skin laxity concerns, you can get HIFU to lift your eyebrows, cheeks, and eyelids as well as tighten your skin if it’s saggy.

You can also consider this treatment if you wish to add definition to your jawline and tighten the décolletage.

How good is HIFU Facelift?

To begin with, HIFU is a non-surgical treatment. To understand how good HIFU is, you’d also want to know how it works.

HIFU utilizes ultrasound energy to build heat at deep levels beneath the skin. The heat created here proceeds to damage the skin cells in the target treatment region.

When this happens, your body will respond, trying to repair the damaged skin cells. It will therefore begin to produce fresh collagen to help in cell regrowth.

Collagen is also the substance that gives your skin the elasticity defining its structure. As you advance in age, its production gradually diminishes, and this best explains why your skin begins to lose its laxity.

Therefore, HIFU gives you that definitive tighter skin by stimulating your body to begin producing new collagen to tighten your skin and make it look much younger. Now, since HIFU is a non-surgical procedure, you will not need to worry about extended recovery periods.

Ideally, if you get HIFU in Singapore, you can expect to resume regular activities on the same day after your treatment. The short recovery times make it a worthwhile option to prefer to conventional surgical procedures with more extended downtimes.

Perhaps the only shortcoming of note is that the results you get from HIFU would not be as pronounced and last longer as those you’d get from a surgical facelift. Therefore, you will need maintenance treatments to make the results last even longer. Here’s a more in-depth review of HIFU:

Washing your Face after HIFU

Considering that this treatment is non-invasive, there is no downtime attached to it so, you can always wash your face after HIFU. You can also use regular facial cleansers when washing your face after HIFU in Singapore but be sure only to use warm or cold water.

Do not use hot water or any product that’s formulated with salicylic acid or retinal and any other abrasive ingredients on your face. We mainly advise our patients against such products because they may increase your skin’s sensitivity after the treatment.

Besides avoiding washing your face with hot water or using abrasive products on your face, you should also keep off hot baths or steam baths. Here are a few more aftercare guidelines you will need to observe to get the best from HIFU in Singapore.

  • Keep off Ultra-violet (UV) Rays

After your treatment, you shouldn’t expose yourself to direct sunlight and cold for some weeks. We recommend limiting your sun exposure to protect your skin from sustaining sunburns.

Ideally, this treatment increases your skin’s sensitivity to some extent, so exposure to UV rays may increase your risks of getting sunburns and hyperpigmentation, which may not be really appealing. Now, if you have to go into the sun, we strongly recommend using a sunblock of SPF 30+.

This will help limit the intensity of the ultraviolet light that hits your skin. Importantly, we recommend that you wear sunblock every time you walk into the sun until your skin tightening treatment is complete.

Do not scratch your Skin

We also recommend that you do not scratch your skin after getting HIFU in Singapore. We acknowledge that it can sometimes be really enticing to scratch your skin, but for the sake of this treatment’s efficacy and the health of your skin, we strongly recommend that you suppress the urge to scratch your skin after HIFU.

As we have mentioned above, this treatment increases your skin’s sensitivity. Therefore, scratching your skin would only put you at risk of damaging it.

Even if you have scars, be sure not to remove them but let them fall off on their own. Scratching or any attempts to shave or pick on the scars would only increase your risks of developing wounds, which may later develop into infections.

  • If you Enjoy Alcohol, Take Some Break from it

Usually, a qualified cosmetic doctor will only approve you as the ideal candidate for HIFU if you will be able to stick to the necessary adjustments required after the treatment. One of those requirements would be to avoid alcohol.

HIFU works by deactivating fat. This implies that your liver will be tasked with breaking the resulting fats after your treatment.

By consuming alcohol, you will be giving your liver extra work to do, which in this case would be breaking down alcohol and the deactivated fats. It is not a good idea to give the liver excess work.

Other than that, alcohol may also worsen your bruising. Besides, it also comes with blood-thinning properties that would put you at risk of excessive bleeding.

  • Stay Hydrated

We’d also strongly recommend that you drink plenty of fluids—most specifically water to keep you hydrated after HIFU in Singapore. Water also plays a pivotal role in your recovery as it would increase the rate at which your body produces collagen. Other than drinking water, you can also keep your skin hydrated by applying light moisturizer on your skin.

  • Avoid Vigorous Exercises

If you’re a fitness enthusiast, it would also help if you waited for sometime before resuming your vigorous exercise regime. Most specifically, we also discourage heavy lifting immediately after your treatment.

We discourage vigorous exercises after getting HIFU in Singapore because; they make your body heat up and perspire. This may not be comfortable on your tender skin and may prolong your swelling or turn out to be the avenues for other complications that should not arise.

Take Away

You can always wash your face after HIFU in Singapore. You should only do so with cold or warm water.

If you wish to take a shower, we also recommend that you use cold or lukewarm water.