8 Pre-Surgery Tips that Will Enhance Your Recovery

Img source: chcenters.org

Preparation is the key to a successful surgery and planning for the recovery is just as important as planning for the procedure itself. Your body needs to be physically and mentally prepared for the procedure as well as the healing that needs to take place afterward.  

Fortunately, there are certain steps you can take to experience a smoother recovery and excellent results. 

According to https://formandface.com.au, here are a few tips that will help you plan for a smoother recovery.

  1. Increase Your Protein Intake

By eating enough protein before your procedure, you provide your immune system with the additional support it needs to heal your body after surgery. Your body needs more protein during times of stress, so it’s recommended that you consume at 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight on a daily basis before your surgery.

  1. Get Enough Fiber

Img source: quickanddirtytips.com

The combination of pain medication, anesthesia and a reduction in physical activity can lead to constipation after your surgery. By increasing your fiber intake in the days leading up to your procedure and after, you can reduce this common side effect and enjoy an easier recovery. 

  1. Processed Foods Should Be Kept to a Minimum

Along with adding to any constipation, sugary and processed foods will affect your blood sugar control, which increases your chances of developing complications such as infection. It’s best to avoid these types of foods before and after your surgery if possible. 

  1. Don’t Forget to Move

Img source: cnn.com

It’s recommended that you increase your physical activity during the week before your surgery as this will reduce your risk of developing blood clots after your procedure. Aim to do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day for at least a week before your cosmetic procedure. There’s no reason to be inactive just because you’re about to undergo an operation. Obviously, if your surgeon advises you to rest, you should do so. 

  1. Cut Out Cigarettes

Smoking before your surgery will only increase your risk of developing a surgical site infection. Smoking affects your body’s blood flow, which makes post-surgery complications much more likely. First prize is if you can quit smoking at least two weeks before your procedure but if this is too difficult for you, at least don’t smoke on the day of your surgery.

  1. Nutritional Supplements Can Really Help

Img source: eatsmarter.de

Undergoing surgery means your immune system is going to need all the help it can get to avoid infection. To help your body build up some strength for the surgery, it would help to take nutritional supplements in the weeks leading up to your procedure. For example, omega-3 fatty acids will help reduce inflammation during and after your surgery. Speak to your surgeon about the recommended supplements. 

  1. Get Close to Your Goal Weight

If you aren’t already at your ideal or goal weight, it’s best to lose a few kilograms before your procedure. Doing so will improve your surgeon’s visibility during the procedure, allowing him to work quicker. 

  1. Make Sure You Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions

Img source: themomandcaregiver.com

To improve the results of your procedure and ensure your recovery is pleasant, it’s important to follow all of your surgeon’s post-op instructions. Your surgeon’s guidelines are put in place to keep you safe during your procedure and to help you achieve your desired results with as little complications as possible, so it’s in your best interest to follow his instructions. 

Once you’ve done the necessary preparation, you can look forward to a positive surgical experience.Â