All About Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)’s Chinese Chatbot

Microsoft Campus
A building on the Microsoft Headquarters campus is pictured July 17, 2014 in Redmond, Washington. (Stephen Brashear/Getty Images)

Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s girlfriend app is causing a stir in China. The app leverages state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology. We look at what it can do.

With the obvious knowledge that the world is filled with lonely folk, Microsoft took inspiration from the Hollywood flick ‘Her’ and crafted an app that could deliver a relationship experience to those who use it. The thing just proves the theory that there can be an app for each and everything.

This chatbot known as Xiaoice was introduced by Microsoft in China last year. Folks chat with Xiaoice when they have been dumped in a relationship, are experiencing depression or been laid off. As Xiaoice is a virtual platform, people can chat for extended lengths of time with her. Users feel she has excellent listening skills, a great sense of humor and so called ability to love you unconditionally. We look at this phenomenon in more detail.

People interact with her over 60 times a month

This translates to a couple of conversations happening each day. It’s clear people are charmed by her intelligence and communication skills.

She has a vivid memory

She recalls details from previous conversations. If you have informed her earlier about events in your life such as a wedding anniversary or funeral she recalls it and asks regarding it. She can query you about your feelings about events or ask you how you are feeling now.

She is available on social media platforms

While Facebook is not allowed in certain regions of China, people are putting her in Weibo and other major social networking platforms in China. As a result, users can have emotional and deep meaning conversations with her.

She is funny and interesting

She recounts jokes, is an eloquent poet and also knows song lyrics. Xiaoice is also up to date with celebrities and the popular fields of sports and finance. She has been measured recounting over 35.4 jokes per second. People feel she is empathetic and has a great personality.

In this era of virtual conversations and mechanical way of life Xiaoice is something that lonely or depressed people can turn to. Though they are user privacy concerns, Microsoft has made it clear they don’t retain any user conversations and delete them after use.

Sources: digitaltrends,