BlackBerry Ltd (BBRY) BBM 2.0 Now Available For Windows Phone

BlackBerry Ltd’s (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) messaging application BBM has been updated for the Windows Phones, and now comes with several new features. With this update, it will be possible for the users to chat in new ways and gain better control over their communications with more privacy.

Besides the privacy and control features, the Windows Phone BBM update brings with it other useful features such as message retraction and timed messages as well.

BlackBerry updates BBM for Windows users

Windows Phone users can now liven up chats with the BBM stickers available in the BBM Shop. Earlier, the users had the option of using emoticons for expressing specific emotions, but now they can use of bolder and more expressive images for doing so with BBM 2.0. It also offers the users with an option of personalizing chats with colleagues, family, friends, peers and partners thus making the BBM experience more engaging and fun.

The messages and images sent through BlackBerry Ltd’s (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) BBM will be available for viewing by the recipient for specified time limits set by the sender using the new timer feature. The message remains only for the duration of the timer and vanishes thereafter. The message remains hidden till the chat is touched and held by the recipient, and once the fingers are taken off the message disappears. In case the recipient takes a screenshot of the image or message, then the sender will immediately receive a notification. The new update also brings with it an option of retracting the unread messages, as well as the read ones from the BBM chats.

Update for iOS, Android

BlackBerry recently updated its BBM for iOS, Android and BlackBerry OS, which now comes with a new design that matches with the iOS 8’s UI design. They have also optimized the app for compatibility with the large screens of the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. The BBM 2.6 app also supports the landscape mode for the users of Android 5.0 Lollipop. Now, sharing of multiple images and attachments has become possible for the devices running the BB10 OS.

“You can’t help but notice the sleek and modern design updates like a flat UI and attractive transparencies. These adjustments make BBM look sharp across supported Apple devices,” said Jesse Ariss of BlackBerry Ltd’s (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB), in the blog post.