BlackBerry Ltd (BBRY) Unveils 2 New Enterprise Solutions Bundles

BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) on Dec 17 unveiled two new enterprise solutions bundles that would help enterprises with increased productivity and collaboration at a reduce cost. These two facilities are secure productivity bundle and the cross-platform Enterprise communicator bundle for Blackberry 10 smartphone.

Services offered under each solution

The first solutions bundle has been designed for the companies using BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 to protect critical business data when shared to the employees on their BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) 10 smartphones. The bundle includes the following solutions:

The first service provided by the solution bundle is the VPN Authentication, which enables the users to use their smartphone for two-factor authentication. It will also help to reduce any use of costly and inconvenient hardware tokens, which will ultimately lower the overall cost.

Separately, the solutions offers an enhanced security model for BBM messages, and hence protect corporate data. This bundle have advance features like Blackberry Blend that allows employees to securely access corporate data on personal devices without a VPN. Finally, the solution will allow Advantage Level Support on continuous basis allowing smooth operations.

The other solution allow secure communications and mobile collaboration to iOS, Android and BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) devices allowing more productive employees on the go.

The solutions offers BBM Meetings, which allows group voice and video conferences of up to 25 people on any operating system. It, also, offers an enhanced security model for BBM messages, which protect all the corporate data in transit.

Pricing of new BlackBerry solutions

The following solutions are available in the market at some decent prices. The secure productivity bundle can be bought for $6 USD per user per month by enterprise customers with BES and BlackBerry 10 smartphones. On the other hand, the Enterprise Communicator bundle is available to customers for $12 USD per user per month. BBM protected and BBM Meetings will be present on all smartphone without the requirement of BES.

These two new offerings from BlackBerry Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) (TSE:BB) will help the enterprises to extent more productivity benefits to their employees and customers said Rob Enderle of Enderke Group. Enderle added that since the mobile computing continues to change the scenario of work environment for employees, therefore, with the introduction of new technology solutions will enable increased collaboration between users “as well as access to critical company information, without compromising security and control.”