Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Blamed For Newspaper Industry Troubles in Europe

Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) could face unfamiliar grounds in Europe because of its business success or something along that line, according to a Search Engine Land report. The European Parliament is expected to adopt a resolution that may blunt the edges of Google, so to speak. The efforts to bring Google under control by multiple measures come at a time when the world’s largest search engine company is said to be one of the problems for the traditional newspaper industry.

There have been a number of attempts to dull the edges of Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) in Europe, and now the regional parliament seeks to break up the company if possible, because of antitrust issues. Break up of Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) may mean separating its search engine business from the rest of the business activities it does. However, according to various media reports, attempts to break up Google are likely to run into challenges.

In the U.S., for instance, the regulators have not found Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL)’s search business to be a monopoly. As such, they abandoned efforts to pursue widespread structural regulations of the company. However, even if the European authorities were to take on Google on sweeping structural regulations such as the breakup, such would only be confined to the continent.

In Europe, the regulators can ask Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) to voluntarily commit to certain regulatory measures. However, the company can also be forced into doing or not doing some things as the regulators may deem right.

Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) has been at the center of various technology-related antitrust issues in Europe, especially with regards to the ailing newspaper industry. The latest moves by the European Parliament only echo the unrelenting spirit of authorities there to keep the company in check. However, Google is not alone in such European antitrust issues. Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT), for instance, has had its fair share of the same challenges.