Happy Birthday Dwayne Johnson – Top 5 Most Epic The Rock Films

Dwayne The Rock Johnson is 46-years old today. He’s the best-paid actor in Hollywood and a household name in the WWE. The transition from world wrestling entertainment to acting wasn’t an easy one, but People’s Champ handled it the best he can and risen to the top in both industries. He started in 2001 with a role in The Mummy Returns and didn’t look back since then. Today, when we mark the 46th year from his birth, we have a list of top five epic The Rock movies.

2Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle

This action-adventure/comedy is Johnson’s most recent box office hit which nearly went over $1 billion mark at box office. Its commercial success is also owed to the supporting cast which consists of Jack Black, Kevin Hart, Karen Gillan, Nick Jonas, and Bobby Cannavale.