Oscar night mishap ‘explained’ by Dwayne The Rock Johnson!

source; trbimg.com

A few days ago during the Oscar awards ceremony, there was a huge mishap. The Best Picture award almost went to the La La Land instead of Moonlight. The moment when they revealed that the actual winner of that reward was Moonlight was maybe the most awkward moment in the history of Oscars. Stars of La La Land were on their way to claim yet another reward and boom, sorry guys, there was a mistake, you can’t have it. It was simply awkward.

As the camera went across the first few rows, we could see shocked faces of stars such as Matt Damon, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, and Meryl Streep. However, The Rock took it to another level. In a new video, he goes to narrate the footage of that peculiar event to make it even better. He even hired proper impressionists to provide voiceover narration.

source; trbimg.com

First to appear in this video is The Rock himself. It looks as if he was thinking out loud. ‘What in the blue fu*k is happening right now?’ he exclaimed. He went on to say ‘Did they make a mistake?’ He also wondered whether to use his ‘incredible’ powers to help in the situation. This voiceover was hilarious, but you should see his face. That’s like the definition of ‘funny.’

After that we see Ben Affleck looking at Matt Damon puzzled. Impersonator than says ‘Wait a second, Matt. Is this part of the show?’ and it perfectly fits with Affleck’s face. He concluded that it was ‘Definitely not part of the show.’ What the hell Matt?

Then the video focuses on other actors in the audience. Finally, it comes back to The Rock. Dwayne went on to ‘say’ that it all worked out fine. Award still went to Moonlight and Ben, and Matt had an amazing stare off. And to top everything, The Rock then explained how he and Meryl Streep enjoyed the rest of the night. ‘Well, we kicked back, emptied five bottles of tequila, and drank until we woke up sunburned and naked on the Santa Monica pier.’

source; trbimg.com

We don’t know whether the host came to terms with what happened that night just like The Rock did but at least we know that he had a hell of a night. You know how they say, ‘Carpe the cr*p out of that diem!’ and Rock proves that we should do exactly that!