Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) To Enter Brazil With Internet.Org

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As a part of its worldwide initiative, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) has decided to breeze in Brazil, with its much-awaited service Internet.org. The partnership between the Facebook and the government of Brazil will help it offering free internet to those people who could hardly earn enough money to afford their living. Facebook’s initiative is all set to bring in breath-taking changes in Brazil in the long run.

FB Founder And Brazilian President Meetings Led To This Initiative

Internet.org is one of those great initiatives that Facebook has taken with an objective to offer cheap internet services to those who don’t earn enough money to use internet.

Brazil is not the first country where Facebook has offered Internet.org. Its founder Mark Zuckerberg has been having meetings with the political leaders of different countries to carry out this initiative. As per the reports, it was the seventh time when he met with Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil.

How Will This Work Out

In order to make sure that all the people with the low-income level in Brazil get the uninterrupted internet, Facebook has tried very hard to execute all the tasks in an effective way. Initially, it will introduce the internet to more than 200,000 people who live in the slum of eliĂ³polis, SĂ£o Paulo. By tapping slum people at first, Facebook wants to understand the challenges that one may have to face while offering such services in Brazil.

Zuckerberg wrote about this initiative on his Facebook page stating that the power of social media couldn’t be ignored. He and the President of Brazil, both shared the same vision, which made things easy and hassle-free. He also announced that he had discussed different ways in which technology could be used to remain connected with loved ones in Brazil. Apart from enhancing connectivity options, Zuckerberg is also inclined towards spreading education in the country with the help of improved technology.