7 Outdoor Activities for Employees to Improve Work Culture

Source: sessionlab.com

An organization cannot run without its employees. Your firm needs someone to manage its internal and external affairs. If you wish for your firm to run smoothly, make your employees feel good.

Most firms have a strict corporate culture, which isn’t quite likable. Instead of following old traditions, try to introduce reforms in your firm to improve the current work culture. One way of doing it is by planning outdoor activities. You could carry out trips or scavenger hunts to bring your teammates closer.

Employees feel good communicating in a friendly environment. If you wish your employees to feel connected to your firm, arranging a few outdoor activities is mandatory.

Here are seven options for outdoor activities that every organization could carry out freely on any day.

1. Introducing Team Challenges Like Scavenger Hunts

Source: teambuildinghub.com

Nowadays, the prevailing company culture may not be ideal, as an increasing number of employees are feeling isolated and disconnected. In such conditions, arranging a series of challenges for your workers would be a great way to make them feel excited.

One option is to arrange a simple scavenger hunt, dividing employees into teams and tasking them with finding various objects. Such a game can ignite enthusiasm in every individual. Additionally, consider giving your scavenger hunt a theme. Some companies opt for nature-themed scavenger hunts where employees search for items like plants or trees. This encourages employees to think and plan together, thereby improving internal communication.

Once the competition is over, you can reward the winning team with a trophy or certificate to acknowledge their teamwork.

2. Planning Trivia Nights

Source: broadsheet.com.au

Try hosting trivia nights for your workers. You could opt for virtual trivia or pub trivia.

If your employees are working from home, they might feel lonely or detached from their organization. However, they feel more connected with their colleagues when you engage them in such activities. People feel good interacting with colleagues without compromising on their comforts.

On the other side, pub trivia is a great way to gather all your on-site employees in one place. You could book a private room or bar. Make groups, give names to each team, and keep a scoreboard to keep everyone interested. Don’t forget to keep snacks and drinks for the participants. Food and games always suit one another.

While selecting the game category, include history and movies. With more options in categories, a greater number of people participate in the game.

People can even indulge in a TV show trivia or backward trivia. Whatever option you choose, keep it fun and light.

3. Initiate a Company-Wide Book or Movie Club

Initiating a book or movie club is also a great way to build a strong bond with your employees. Often, workers feel hesitant to develop a friendship with their seniors. However, when people find similar topics to discuss, they feel comfortable with each other. Movies or book clubs are an ideal way to do it.

Employers could carry out such an activity throughout your firm. With better communication, the overall environment of the firm is much friendlier.

4. Go Out for Meals

Source: popsugar.com

A great way to bring together people is by taking them out for official meals. You can take out teams on breakfasts, lunches, or dinners. Every person loves free meals.

Employees get to know about each other’s likes and dislikes. Moreover, they feel encouraged to talk freely with one another.

You could even gather everyone at a wine-tasting session. An entire week’s work can drain the energy from any individual, and a small outdoor wine and dine plan could help de-stress them. Therefore, hosting a lunch or dinner for employees on the last day of the week could be a great way to make them happy.

5. Plan a Philanthropic 5K Run/Walk

Source: beaconcollege.edu

Companies could plan philanthropic runs or walks to strengthen employee bonding and benefit the community simultaneously. This type of activity can be highly valuable, as it engages the entire organization in a shared endeavor.

Encourage employees from every department to take part in a charitable cause. Firms could even introduce a competition between departments to see which team can raise the most funds for the chosen charity.

The best part, it gives time to each employee to focus on their health rather than working in a closed office space. People feel more relaxed when such activities are carried out regularly in their firm. So arrange a race from time to time for your employees.

6. Indulge in Plantation Drives

There is also an option of combining an act of kindness with your team-building activity, like arranging a plantation drive. Employees gain social consciousness and learn to work together in teams.

Start by forming smaller groups or teams. Pair workers in groups of two or three people. Assign each group several trees they must plant. While planting these trees and saplings, people could get to know one another.

Since everyone works together and provides an equal input, there isn’t any differentiation between seniors and juniors.

One should keep in mind that planting trees does not only improve work culture, it also saves the planet for future generations. Even your firm gains recognition for carrying out these helpful activities. From reducing climate change to providing shade and clean air, a single plantation drive has several benefits.

7. Opt for a Hike

employers could always opt for a hike
Source: koa.com

Last but not least, employers could always opt for a hike. Choose a trail close to your office and invite employees to join you. Nothing could be more adventurous than a hike with your team members. Even if the entire office isn’t going, you could just take your team.

Sitting in an office chair might increase the chances of obesity and heart disease. Thus, hiking is a great option. You get the opportunity to focus on your health and remain in shape at all hours.

Hiking keeps employees in touch with several people working with them. If you didn’t get a chance to talk with a friend, this hike could be the perfect opportunity. You could make the hike more interesting by forming teams or groups and seeing who reaches the endpoint first.