Top 6 Santa’s Sleighs Imagined by Carmakers

3Vauxhall Sleigh 2008

Back in 2008, Vauxhall made the one-seater sleigh, and Santa will have no issues giving away all the presents. The reindeer were supposed to rest in 2008 and what powers this amazing vehicle is an electric motor. Unlike the other electric cars, this sleigh has an unlimited range because a small engine is added to charge the batteries along the way.

Back in 2008, Santa addressed the media: “I’m as pleased as punch with my new slEigh-REV supplied to me by those kind people in Luton. They tell me it uses specially adapted E-REV technology from their upcoming Ampera motor car, which means I won’t have to worry about re-charging as I do my chimney drops around the world on Christmas Eve.”